Project Background

The Government of Punjab is seeking to enhance private sector development and has recently adopted the ‘Punjab Growth Strategy-2018” which aims an annual 8% GDP growth in the Province. The Industrial Sector Development Plan, an element of the Growth Strategy, is oriented to increasing private sector investment, thereby enhancing job creation and exports. As a part of the development plan, the Government is introducing an initiative to support the growth and competitiveness of key manufacturing clusters of Punjab.

In order to support the implementation of key parts of the Industrial Development Plan, the World Bank Mission visited Pakistan and conducted consultative / interactive sessions with provincial departments of Punjab for their capacity building by reviewing their existing mandate & functions and designed a program titled “Jobs & Competitiveness Program for Results” (J&C P for R).

In this context, the Government of Punjab has signed an agreement with the World Bank for a US$ 100 million supplemented by US$ 180 million by the Government. The total USD$ 280 million includes a US$ 6 million component for technical assistance for the development of several industrial clusters in Punjab province and to support their further integration into global value chains; i.e. the Cluster Development Initiative (CDI). The purpose of CDI is to create an enabling environment for growth and prosperity of industries, to create better quality of life through economic uplift in Punjab and to up-grade technology and enhance productivity, quality and profitability of local industries. The lead on the implementation of the CDI for the Government of Punjab is with the Punjab Small Industries Cooperation (PSIC) as a government institution.

Mission Statement

Improved capabilities of high growth potential industrial clusters through operational improvements, linkages to lead firms/export markets and product development.


Gearing up the high growth clusters to penetrate the international markets and rise in exports.